Hello, Summer! Let's Soak Up the Season Together

Does anyone else feel like once Memorial Day Weekend has happened, it’s officially summer? It’s like suddenly it seems like the sun got the memo, everyone got their white pants out of the back of their closets and I’m craving hot dogs (hah! Not kidding).

I love summertime, but also know summer brings a little bit of crazy to everyone’s schedule. When you combine the flurry of family vacations and kids being home from school, all bets are off. As the warm rays of summer sun start to peek through, it's time to embrace the season of fun, family, and a bit of frenzy!

I say frenzy, because we know having the kids home can be both a joy and a challenge. There's nothing like the sound of laughter filling the house, but balancing activities and downtime can be tricky. Plus, if your kids are like mine, the thrive when they’re on a schedule…and no matter how much planning I do, summer seems to always end up “scheduleless”.

Case in point: I usually write my notes to you on Thursday afternoons. I block off my schedule, to make sure I never miss a Friday morning. Well, yesterday, I finally had the opportunity to use a gift certificate for a massage that my boys gave my last Mother’s Day (as in over a year ago). I jumped on the chance, took the afternoon and headed to the spa. I had planned on writing this note last night after I put the boys down for bed and it completely slipped my mind! Apparently, post-massage Kelsey just let all of her work responsibilities go.

Thankfully, Friday morning-Kelsey woke up and remembered how much I love writing these emails. They have become this interesting, very public version of journalling for me. Truthfully, they’re almost therapeutic. So, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for those of your who read them once a year, once a month or the dedicated crew that reads them every week. I appreciate you more than you know.

Let’s bring it all home…remember, summer is all about enjoying the little moments. Whether you're on vacation, chasing fireflies with the kids, or simply soaking up the sun with a good book, I hope you’re able to soak up the season. And if you drop a ball or two while you’re doing that, give yourself a little grace. We’re all human.

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