
My AI bestie roasted me, but my coach blew my mind.

My AI bestie roasted me, but my coach blew my m...

Kelsey Carlson Settle

Earlier this week, a sweet customer mentioned how impressed she was that I seem to "do it all"—running a business, momming, juggling life. It got me thinking: How often do...

My AI bestie roasted me, but my coach blew my m...

Kelsey Carlson Settle

Earlier this week, a sweet customer mentioned how impressed she was that I seem to "do it all"—running a business, momming, juggling life. It got me thinking: How often do...

My New Favorite Jumpsuit (& How I Choose Pieces for Green Roost)

My New Favorite Jumpsuit (& How I Choose Pieces...

Kelsey Carlson Settle

Yesterday, I wore something special—a brand-new jumpsuit from Universal Standard, a brand I'm beyond excited to introduce to Green Roost. You might wonder how I decide what pieces make it...

My New Favorite Jumpsuit (& How I Choose Pieces...

Kelsey Carlson Settle

Yesterday, I wore something special—a brand-new jumpsuit from Universal Standard, a brand I'm beyond excited to introduce to Green Roost. You might wonder how I decide what pieces make it...

Life's a Whirlwind... Can You Relate?

Life's a Whirlwind... Can You Relate?

Kelsey Carlson Settle

I sat down at my computer to write this post, and honestly... I’m drawing a blank. Life feels like a bit of a whirlwind right now. Can you relate? Lately,...

Life's a Whirlwind... Can You Relate?

Kelsey Carlson Settle

I sat down at my computer to write this post, and honestly... I’m drawing a blank. Life feels like a bit of a whirlwind right now. Can you relate? Lately,...

Wishing for Spring? We’ve Got Just the Thing.

Wishing for Spring? We’ve Got Just the Thing.

Kelsey Carlson Settle

Is it just me, or is winter feeling especially... well, blah this year? The gray skies, the cold wind, the layers of heavy coats... It’s about this time each year that I...

Wishing for Spring? We’ve Got Just the Thing.

Kelsey Carlson Settle

Is it just me, or is winter feeling especially... well, blah this year? The gray skies, the cold wind, the layers of heavy coats... It’s about this time each year that I...

Big News: The Warehouse Sale is Coming!

Big News: The Warehouse Sale is Coming!

Kelsey Carlson Settle

If you’ve been around Green Roost for a while, you know that I’m all about bringing people together—whether it’s through fashion, conversation, or a shared love of finding something just...

Big News: The Warehouse Sale is Coming!

Kelsey Carlson Settle

If you’ve been around Green Roost for a while, you know that I’m all about bringing people together—whether it’s through fashion, conversation, or a shared love of finding something just...

A Little Magic and a Quick Hello…

A Little Magic and a Quick Hello…

Kelsey Carlson Settle

This week’s blog is coming to you from the most magical place on earth—Disney World! I’m soaking up some family time, riding all the rides, and probably eating way too...

A Little Magic and a Quick Hello…

Kelsey Carlson Settle

This week’s blog is coming to you from the most magical place on earth—Disney World! I’m soaking up some family time, riding all the rides, and probably eating way too...