If I Could Tell My 13-Year-Old Self...

As I sit here in Italy, surrounded by incredible women from all walks of life, I can’t help but reflect on how far I’ve come—from the awkward, uncertain girl I once was to the business owner, wife, and mom that I am today. So, I thought this would be the perfect time to write a little letter to my younger self. (Because let’s be honest, don’t we all wish we could go back and whisper a few truths into our teenage ears?)

If I could tell my 13-year-old self anything, it would be this: Yes, all that hard work, all those awkward moments, and all that self-doubt? They pay off. The things you think are weaknesses—being overly cautious, caring what others think, feeling like you don’t quite fit—those actually shape you into someone who cares deeply and thinks through things. Eventually, you’ll grow into the confidence that feels so out of reach right now. The body you’re worried about? It’s going to carry you through so many milestones, and one day, you’ll finally look in the mirror and smile.

At 23, you’re trying to figure out this whole "adulting" thing, wondering if you'll ever get the hang of it. But, spoiler alert: it doesn’t always feel this hard. The career path that feels murky now will clear up, and while it may look completely different from what you imagined, it turns out to be so much better. You’ll learn that your best-laid plans sometimes lead to detours that end up being the greatest adventures. (Oh, and yes, you'll get to take trips like this one to Italy, which will seem unbelievable right now!)

And then there’s my 33-year-old self. Here’s what I’d say to her: You can have both. You can be a mom to two wild and wonderful boys, and still have a career you’re passionate about. There will be tough days, exhausting days, but at the end of it all, you’re building something that matters, both in your business and at home. It doesn’t have to be perfect—nothing ever is—but you’ll find a rhythm that works for you. And you’ll realize, in all the chaos, that the work you’re putting in on both fronts is shaping a life that’s full, meaningful, and beautiful.

So, if there’s one thing I hope you take from this little journey through my past selves, it’s that wherever you are right now is exactly where you’re supposed to be. The awkward phases, the uncertainty, the challenges—they're all part of the magic that brings you to this moment. And whether you're 13, 23, or 33 (or beyond!), trust me when I say that your hard work and persistence will pay off in ways you can’t yet imagine.

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